The Show is OPEN

Fishing Seminar Captains


Captain Mike Able

Growing up near the coast Capt. Mike has explored new territories to fish as well as discovering new fisheries in the Lowcountry.   Mike is the owner of Haddrell’s Point Tackle, an Avid Angler, Tournament Angler and Fishing Industry Enthusiast.   

Saturday 11:00 am

“Improving Your Catch to Fish Ratio with Artificials” – Maximize your fishing when on the water.  Dial in when and what to use for artificial baits for redfish, trout and flounder. 

Sunday 12:00 noon: 

“Targeting Tarpon in SC Waters” – Tarpon are migratory species and here in SC for a limited amount of time.  Make the most of it with tips on baits, areas, and outfits to better suite for the Silver King!

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